Búsquedas FI-ADMIN Búsquedas FI-ADMIN

Knowledge, attitude and practices of pregnant women related to COVID-19 infection: A cross-sectional survey in seven countries from the Global Network for Women's and Children's Health

Año de publicación: 2022

Objective. We sought to understand knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) regarding COVID-19 in pregnant women in seven low and middle-income countries (LMIC). Results. In all, 25 260 women completed the survey. Overall, 56.8% of women named ≥3 COVID-19 symptoms, 34.3% knew ≥2 transmission modes, 51.3% knew ≥3 preventive measures and 79.7% named at least one high-risk condition. Due to COVID-19 exposure concerns, 23.8% had avoided prenatal care and 7.5% planned to avoid hospital delivery. Over half the women in the Guatemalan site and 40% in the Pakistan site reduced care seeking due to COVID-19 exposure concerns. Of the women, 24.0% were afraid of getting COVID-19 from healthcare providers. Overall, 63.3% reported wearing a mask and 29.1% planned to stay at home to reduce COVID-19 exposure risk

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