Búsquedas FI-ADMIN Búsquedas FI-ADMIN

Total: 143

Quality Appraisal of Nutritional Guidelines to Prevent, Diagnose, and Treat Malnutrition in All Its Forms during Pregnancy

This work aimed to identify clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) that include recommendations for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of women’s malnutrition during pregnancy and to evaluate the quality of these guidelines using the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation (AGREE II) ins...

Enfermedad de Cushing recurrente con hipercortisolismo catastrófico: reporte de caso y revisión de literatura

Rev. méd. Urug; 38 (3), 2022
Resumen: Presentamos un caso de una paciente femenina de 27 años, con síndrome de Cushing ACTH dependiente con hipercortisolismo severo, causado por un macroadenoma hipofisario recurrente y resistente pese a dos cirugías transesfenoidales, radioterapia y terapia médica. Dada la falla en las diferente...

Two countries, similar practices: the political practices of the food industry influencing the adoption of key public health nutrition policies in Guatemala and Panama

To identify the corporate political activity (CPA) strategies used by food industry actors during the development of two public health nutrition policies in Central America: Law #570 (taxation of sugar-sweetened beverages) in Panama and Bill #5504 (labelling and food marketing regulations) in Guatemala. ...

Informe de la línea de base de la Gran Cruzada Nacional por la Nutrición 2021/2022

La Cruzada Nacional por la Nutrición es la estrategia que busca unir a todos los sectores del país: gubernamental (central y municipal), de la empresa privada, las organizaciones no gubernamentales, de cooperación internacional, académico, religioso y sociedad civil con la finalidad de mejorar la nut...

Health care in pregnancy during the COVID-19 pandemic and pregnancy outcomes in six low- and-middle-income countries: Evidence from a prospective, observational registry of the Global Network for Women’s and Children’s Health

Objective: To assess, on a population basis, the medical care for pregnant women in specific geographic regions of six countries before and during the first year of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in relationship to pregnancy outcom. Results: Across all sites, a small but statistically ...

Protein-Energy Supplementation in Early-Life Decreases the Odds of Mental Distress in Later Adulthood in Guatemala

The prevalence of mental health concerns is growing worldwide, along with lack of access to and receipt of needed treatment. Current gaps in treatment provision have led to exploring alternative methods of prevention, with research linking nutrition and mental health, of particular relevance in low- and ...

Ultraprocessed Products as Food Fortification Alternatives: A Critical Appraisal from Latin America

Ultraprocessed products (UPPs), associated with obesity and non-communicable diseases (NCDs), are becoming predominant on the global market and a target for market-driven fortification initiatives. The aim of this article is to describe the implications of adding micronutrients to UPPs with excessive amo...

Experiences and Lessons Learned in Developing and Implementing a Population-Based Nutrition and Health Surveillance System in Guatemala 2011–2021

Practice-based experiences documenting development and implementation of nutrition and health surveillance systems are needed. To describe processes, methods, and lessons learned from developing and implementing a population-based household nutrition and health surveillance system in Guatemala. The pha...

Knowledge, attitude and practices of pregnant women related to COVID-19 infection: A cross-sectional survey in seven countries from the Global Network for Women's and Children's Health

Objective. We sought to understand knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) regarding COVID-19 in pregnant women in seven low and middle-income countries (LMIC). Results. In all, 25 260 women completed the survey. Overall, 56.8% of women named ≥3 COVID-19 symptoms, 34.3% knew ≥2 transmission modes, ...

Aplicación del Software NutrINCAP en la evaluación de consumo de alimentos a nivel poblacional: Análisis técnico del paso 4 del manejo comunitario de desnutrición aguda (DA), proceso de actualización del Protocolo del Tratamiento ambulatorio de DA. País: Guatemala

Los estudios dietéticos individuales y poblacionales, permiten conocer la ingesta alimentaria, la calidad de la dieta y su adecuación a las necesidades energéticas y de nutrientes, así como el patrón alimentario. En consonancia a la función básica del INCAP de Asistencia Técnica Directa, se gener...